Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shorthand of Existence

So, I just wanted to say that I created this blog for any Blogspot users who happen to click on my name from a blog and then can’t find any more info about me. And this post is to direct you to my real blog at Tumblr, via which you can find other links to my other abodes on the internet. So…there ya go.

Here is my Tumblr blog: VAHAVTA

(If you want to know what "Vahavta" means, look here on Wikipedia.)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


~ by Sara Moses

A breath of minty wind
A rumble of advancing thunder
A sparkle in the child’s eyes
The leaves’ anticipating hush
All herald the approach
Of rain

Then tenderly, magically, it comes
Soft as baby hair, light as a feather
Briefly kissing the upturned face before departing
Down to the earth, seeping into the ground
Gladly satisfying its greedy thirst

Then suddenly, forcefully it comes
Painful as nettles, heavy as swollen clouds
Molding rivulets around bare feet in the mud
Rushing down and consuming Creation
Conquering, then leaving life as its gift

A sigh of renewed air
An echoing grumble of receding thunder
A smile on the small wet face
The glistening plant-life’s bloom
All give thanks in the wake
Of rain